Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New microbe found eating Gulf oil spill - Disaster in the Gulf -

New microbe found eating Gulf oil spill - Disaster in the Gulf -

This is the most beautiful thing! There is a critter that EATS oil. Sure, there are always issues with some specific critter suddenly flourishing above and beyond anything its done before, but when the resource is gone, the population will decrease. My students thought this was the coolest thing ever. Probably helps that I was just about jumping up and down with excitement over it. If there is a niche to be filled, something will fill it. Such total coolness.

Add to it... BP was funding the $500 million, 10 year grant. Hmmmm.... I've doubted how 'evil' BP might be, and this points to more 'stupidity' involved in this leak than evilness.

I wonder what next cool thing we will discover!

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