Monday, February 28, 2011

March goals

Alas, a new month is upon us. One that includes spring break (yea!) and time change (boo!), lots of visits of family (yea!) and warming of the weather (hopefully not too warm). And I must consider and decide on my new set of goals for this month.

Goals? I've achieved my goal of sleeping in comfy places, says Hank.
So, far, the knitting goals have fallen through for the most part. The February Lady Sweater still isn't done, though the crazy colored Dr. Who scarf is hopefully providing joy for someone (sold at the auction Saturday evening).  The household oriented goals have gone better. The kitchen looks nice almost every night and the bathroom is staying cleaner. I really haven't spent all that much time in the yard, but with warmer weather and more energy, that should become easier*. These results say.... keep knitting goals simple (one goal), household goals could use some challenge and yard goals should be simple.  So, thoughts for March?

1. Finish the February Lady Sweater. Spring break will help.
2. Declutter office closet. The office is becoming the nursery in a week or two, so its all moving somewhere. I know there is plenty in there we don't need, use or love, so I'd rather relocate it out of the house, rather than taking up space inside the house.
3. 5 minutes a day working in the yard. This might include pulling weeds, planing herbs or easy veggies, or just sweeping off the back porch. The vitamin D will do me good, also.
4. Put a picture in each blog post (random, I know)

What are you goals for March? How are your yearly goals coming along?

*Turns out that with the onset of the 3rd trimester, I was anemic. It took nearly a week, but the iron supplements seem to be kicking in. Its 830 pm and I'm not in bed. That's a good sign.


  1. I was just thinking again about your calculations for costs of cloth nappies (diapers) and covers for them. You will surely have someone throw you a baby shower or two. If it's possible to give suggestions for gifts, then cloth nappies & covers would be top of the list, don't you think? People want to give something useful and what's more useful than these? Then, the cost to your family is, wait for it.....$0. (All you have to calculate is the cost of washing and any stain remover products since you'll mostly be line-drying which is free). I gave a pack of Glodina cloth nappy large squares to several friends for baby shower gifts and I'm sure people would do the same for you. I also was most grateful for any 2nd hand clothes from others with older babies/children quickly outgrow clothing. New clothes are wonderful, but after your baby/child wears them once & the outfit is washed, they're not "new" any more. I sent many of my last baby's clothing across the Atlantic to my sister in Oklahoma City when she was expecting her lovely to see her photos of "my" clothes again!

  2. My goals (were to survive February doldrums;( .. now with March here .. I have hope spring will arrive :) This month I'll start planting seeds indoors to later transplant in the garden, and .. if the snow ever melts ... get out and put up some raised garden beds.

  3. Those are great goals for this month and very attainable. I can't wait to see your finished lady sweater. Is it for you?


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